Monday, October 27, 2008

It's been a while!

So my last blog was over a month ago...I've been busy trying to get my sub plans together for my maternity leave- along with tons of other stuff.  But here I am- 35 weeks and counting down!  The past few weeks have been amazing- feeling Caileb move and grow, knowing that he's head down andall the other positive news we've received from the doctor!  At any rate, I'm blogging because I think Caileb has officially dropped into the birthing position (we'll see Thursday at the doctor), but when I got home today and changed my clothes I realized upon looking down that my usual hadn rest, cup holder, clipboard, etc. was no longer where it had been for the past few weeks.  It's like it suddenly just disappeared!  Although this makes me very happy, knowing that our son is making all the proper moves to be birthed, I am beginning to get a little nervous about the actual process of labor and delivery... ANY SUGGESTIONS TO CALM MY NERVES?  I can't rely on my childbirth classes, because we didn't get to take them... we were out of town or busy on most of the Saturday classes and the others were on nights when Ricas has class- so no birth prep for us.  I feel as if I no clue what to expect- what will contractions feel like?  will i know that i've actually gone into labor, without going to the doctor first?  even with the epidural, do i need to know some breathing techniques?  will i push the right way?  this list could go on and on!

I will digress and say GOOD NIGHT!  I'll let you know how everything goes on Thursday!


Mama Smors said...

Sidiyyah!! I was excited to see you comment on my blog and with so investigating I realized that you were "Sid." I am looking foward to follow along with you and Caileb on your blog. I don't have much labor/delivery advice bc I had a c-section. From my friends (who didn't have labor and delivery classes), I think the nurses are awesome breathing coaches and can help you. No matter what kind of delivery you have.... it will be so worth it to have Caileb in your arms!

Sid said...

I can't wait for him to get here... motherhood seems great from all those I have witnessed experience it! I love reading about you and Ivy

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