Friday, May 9, 2008

This was by far one of the longest weeks ever in history... coupled with the fact that I almost took a nap in class (with my students) at least twice this week, I'm glad it's Friday! At any rate, things are going great with me & baby. No change in the nausea but it's tolerable most days. Oh, good news, the extreme fatigue is s l o w l y going away, I didn't take a nap everyday this week, just 2 out of 5 (that's better than 5 for 5). I can't wait until July to find out what we are going to have, I'm very anxious to start buying specific things for our baby!

At any rate, today I sent my students on a scavenger hunt around the school to find out what my secret is! It was so fun to watch them discover the clues and them try to put things together in their minds about what I was keeping from them. The very last clue was a tie dyed onsie and I thought for sure that they would get it then, but all they could think was that it had to do something with a baby... most of them thought I was just going to bring a baby with me to our Zoo field trip next week (since we're all wearing tie dyed shirts). After several guesses, one student guessed that I was having a baby! When I asked them when (timeline was given in an earlier clue) one student said today?! It took a few of my students a while for the light to click, but once it did they were all cheers and excited!

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